First Month In Philadelphia

Moving back to Philadelphia with Evan was such a smart decision. I hadn’t realized how much I missed living in a city where so much is happening and there are accessible communities for artists. Evan and I are going to be checking out a life-drawing get together at the Society of Illustrators next week. It’ll take a few hours by train, but it’s so worth it if it means getting to meet other illustrators.

I’ve been really pushing to get more character art into my portfolio recently. I spoke with an art director at Macmillan a few months back and she really recommended I increase my speed and try to add something new to my website every week. Hearing this really blew me off my chair. EVERY WEEK?? She reiterated that it could be new sketches for the sketch section, or a new portrait to beef up my tiny portrait page. From chatting with her I realized that my website hadn’t changed much over the span of 6 full months. She was returning and looking at a lot of the same old stuff. Knowing that, I decided to push harder and create more pieces really demonstrating that I can capture teenagers and young adults for the world of YA publishing. I would like to create a portfolio that is always evolving and growing.

PS: The rats are happy as well! I bought them a book bag recently that lets me carry them around with me outside. They have tiny nose holes that allows them to catch all the interesting smells beyond our apartment.

Sweet accompanies me to the roof.

April Easter Paintathon

I spent the better part of this past weekend doing a 24-hour Paintathon hosted by the people over at Lightbox. The style of these paintathons tend to be really cute and disney-esque so I generally don’t ever assume to go very far in the judging, but it’s insanely fun to work together with the other members of Team Brodents. My friend Grace and Alejandro always pop in to spend a good 13-15 hours of straight painting. This year the theme was Space Opera: First Contact, riding the insane hype train of the Dune films, and maybe also the eclipse happening on the same week.

With this group we absolutely wanted to go with something a little creepy. All of us were agreed that we needed some kind of giant creature to be featured. The title being- ‘Negotiations Failed’.

2024 Easter paintathon submission for the theme Space Opera: First Contact. Title: Negotiations Failed.

April Showers Bring Centipedes

Happy April fam!! Evan and I have become nomadic artists and the plan is to be back in Philadelphia again very soon. We miss living in the big city. There is something really useful about living close to NYC also, where I can just take a train over to the Society of Illustrators. Now that the quarantine is in the rear view mirror and we’re making significantly more money, we could actually live in a nicer place. I’m hoping against hope I’ll have a garage.

Our golden doodle, Waffle, has terrible social anxiety. I’m hoping that maybe hanging out in a city with dog parks will bring her out of her floofy shell.